A Transformative Spring Break on Mission in Morristown, TN

Wow, what an incredible way to kick off Spring Break! Last week a team of about 50 Academy high schoolers and leaders set off from our campus in Nashville, to spend four days serving in Morristown TN. There, we partnered with our sister church, La Iglesia Comunidad de Dios, to minister to communities of need in that city. 

Going into the trip, Headmaster Garner exhorted the high schoolers to make each moment count. Referencing Psalms 90:12, he encouraged students to be aware of each task at hand, from worship to fellowship to service, and engage it fully. “Four days can seem short, but if you are present and intentional in every moment, the Lord can multiply the impact of those days.” 

The trip began with intentional conversations during the car ride. Students were given prompts to engage in discussions about their spiritual giftings. Taking time to identify each other’s strengths and speak words of encouragement, they also shared personal hopes with each other. These conversations laid the foundation for a sense of unity and purpose within the group as they began the mission trip.

A stop at Buc-ees Travel Center provided a practical lesson in selflessness and working with limited means. Given a small budget, students were tasked with organizing themselves into groups, and selecting snacks to share that fit within their limited means. They had to consider dietary needs and preferences within their group, along with nutritional value of the snacks they chose, to best nourish them for the afternoon ahead. This exercise served to reinforce collaboration and stewardship, but also as a contrast to the very common mindset of “splurge on snacks while we travel.”

Upon arriving in Morristown, students wasted no time immersing themselves in meaningful service projects on our first day! From repairing homes and landscaping to leading worship sessions and organizing Vacation Bible School programs, they tackled each task with energy, with hearts prepared for giving. That evening, Pastor Efrain (our host and lead pastor of the Community Church for GOD) shared a precious testimony of how on the other side of years of faithful service, he now gets to see his children follow in similar pursuit of our Lord. With tears in his eyes he communicated how truly grateful to see his college-aged daughters participate in ministry. This vulnerability softened the team’s eyes to see and understand the importance of not only service, but of hearing stories of God's faithfulness through obedience.

One of the most memorable moments of the trip occurred when our Academy students were welcomed into host homes within the Hispanic church community. They got to experience firsthand the power of generosity through the hospitality of their hosts. Some hosts gave up their master bedroom to accommodate the students. Others stayed up late sharing stories of ministry. Still others got up early to prepare hand-made tortillas for a delicious breakfast. These encounters left a lasting impression, prompting reflections on the biblical principle of hospitality and the obligation to care for one another as members of God's family.

Jesus said that he did not come to be served, but to serve. Through times of service, our students' hearts were impacted and softened to the move of God. In each project they encountered individuals whose stories and struggles deeply touched their hearts. From adults with disabilities to children living in poverty, each interaction served as a reminder of the inherent dignity and value of every individual made in God’s image. The teens later shared how these encounters sparked a desire to advocate for the marginalized, and to be instruments of God's love and compassion in a world often marked by injustice and inequality. Vice Principal, Ms. Mathews, testified, “I served with the upperclassmen at Hope and Thrive Academy, and we were immediately met with the Lord’s spirit as we entered the room with 20 adults with disabilities ready to sing and praise the Lord. The students led worship. Watching these adults use sign language while singing, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so,” brought tears to my eyes. God was truly in our midst and the students were impacted in ways I did not anticipate. I was impacted in ways I did not anticipate!”

As the days unfolded, students found themselves confronted with the realities of poverty, disability, and systemic injustice. Yet, amidst the challenges, they also discovered moments of joy, resilience, and hope. Whether leading worship for adults with disabilities or hosting Vacation Bible School for children living in poverty, students embraced each opportunity to serve with humility and compassion, embodying the spirit of Christ in their actions and attitudes. We were so proud to see our students giving of themselves fully! They stepped out of personal comfort zones to engage with people, practice their Spanish, and even serve in the midst of rainy weather. On Friday afternoon our students hosted a Vacation Bible School at a low-income housing complex in Morristown. When they pulled into the run-down area, driving through huge potholes, they were greeted by 35 laughing children waiting for them in the field, already anticipating their program. The students made the Lord proud through their planning and selfless giving, making children smile, play and feel seen by our Lord. 

In our evening times of worship and Bible teaching, Headmaster Garner spoke on our theme, “Rek’nize” from Colossians 3:1-3, sharing how Jesus raises us up into a strong identity by identifying with him. In a world with so much confusion and insecurity about identity, Jesus invites us near, to learn about who we are from the One who made us. The prayers of the righteous are effective because at the end of only the second night, students were already giving testimonies of how the Lord was giving them sight for their future and what it all holds. The culmination of the trip was marked by moments of spiritual growth and reflection. Engaging in worship and fellowship with the local church community, students experienced a renewed sense of purpose and calling. They heard testimonies of personal transformation and reconciliation, which underscored the power of faith and community. It was inspiring to all who were present, to embrace their identities as children of God and agents of His grace and mercy in the world.

We concluded our Morristown mission trip by cooking and eating a wonderful breakfast alongside the La Iglesia church members. This was a sweet experience to witness as our students got immersed cross culturally both in language and fellowship. Students then were given time to journal and go on a prayer walk on the property before we had our final morning session. As the students returned from their walk, we began our testimonies from our time together, and more and more strongholds were breaking. God is truly helping these students move their sight from an earthly perspective to a heavenly one. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, and our students are able to see those in need, and are ready to answer the call within the spiritual giftings that God has given them. 

In retrospect, the mission trip to Morristown was more than just a week of service; it was a transformative time of spiritual growth. Through intentional acts of kindness and service, students discovered the true meaning of discipleship and the love of God. As they carry the lessons and memories of their trip forward, they are empowered to live out their faith boldly and compassionately, making a tangible difference in the world around them and embodying the spirit of love and service that defines the kingdom of God.


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