A Transformative Spring Break on Mission in Morristown, TN

The Academy’s spring mission trip to Morristown was more than just a week of service; it was a transformative time of spiritual growth. Through intentional acts of kindness and service, students discovered the true meaning of discipleship and the love of God. As they carry the lessons and memories of their trip forward, they are empowered to live out their faith boldly and compassionately, making a tangible difference in the world around them and embodying the spirit of love and service that defines the kingdom of God.

Wow, what an incredible way to kick off Spring Break! Last week a team of about 50 Academy high schoolers and leaders set off from our campus in Nashville, to spend four days serving in Morristown TN. There, we partnered with our sister church, La Iglesia Comunidad de Dios, to minister to communities of need in that city. 

Going into the trip, Headmaster Garner exhorted the high schoolers to make each moment count. Referencing Psalms 90:12, he encouraged students to be aware of each task at hand, from worship to fellowship to service, and engage it fully. “Four days can seem short, but if you are present and intentional in every moment, the Lord can multiply the impact of those days.” 

The trip began with intentional conversations during the car ride. Students were given prompts to engage in discussions about their spiritual giftings. Taking time to identify each other’s strengths and speak words of encouragement, they also shared personal hopes with each other. These conversations laid the foundation for a sense of unity and purpose within the group as they began the mission trip.

A stop at Buc-ees Travel Center provided a practical lesson in selflessness and working with limited means. Given a small budget, students were tasked with organizing themselves into groups, and selecting snacks to share that fit within their limited means. They had to consider dietary needs and preferences within their group, along with nutritional value of the snacks they chose, to best nourish them for the afternoon ahead. This exercise served to reinforce collaboration and stewardship, but also as a contrast to the very common mindset of “splurge on snacks while we travel.”

Upon arriving in Morristown, students wasted no time immersing themselves in meaningful service projects on our first day! From repairing homes and landscaping to leading worship sessions and organizing Vacation Bible School programs, they tackled each task with energy, with hearts prepared for giving. That evening, Pastor Efrain (our host and lead pastor of the Community Church for GOD) shared a precious testimony of how on the other side of years of faithful service, he now gets to see his children follow in similar pursuit of our Lord. With tears in his eyes he communicated how truly grateful to see his college-aged daughters participate in ministry. This vulnerability softened the team’s eyes to see and understand the importance of not only service, but of hearing stories of God's faithfulness through obedience.

One of the most memorable moments of the trip occurred when our Academy students were welcomed into host homes within the Hispanic church community. They got to experience firsthand the power of generosity through the hospitality of their hosts. Some hosts gave up their master bedroom to accommodate the students. Others stayed up late sharing stories of ministry. Still others got up early to prepare hand-made tortillas for a delicious breakfast. These encounters left a lasting impression, prompting reflections on the biblical principle of hospitality and the obligation to care for one another as members of God's family.

Jesus said that he did not come to be served, but to serve. Through times of service, our students' hearts were impacted and softened to the move of God. In each project they encountered individuals whose stories and struggles deeply touched their hearts. From adults with disabilities to children living in poverty, each interaction served as a reminder of the inherent dignity and value of every individual made in God’s image. The teens later shared how these encounters sparked a desire to advocate for the marginalized, and to be instruments of God's love and compassion in a world often marked by injustice and inequality. Vice Principal, Ms. Mathews, testified, “I served with the upperclassmen at Hope and Thrive Academy, and we were immediately met with the Lord’s spirit as we entered the room with 20 adults with disabilities ready to sing and praise the Lord. The students led worship. Watching these adults use sign language while singing, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so,” brought tears to my eyes. God was truly in our midst and the students were impacted in ways I did not anticipate. I was impacted in ways I did not anticipate!”

As the days unfolded, students found themselves confronted with the realities of poverty, disability, and systemic injustice. Yet, amidst the challenges, they also discovered moments of joy, resilience, and hope. Whether leading worship for adults with disabilities or hosting Vacation Bible School for children living in poverty, students embraced each opportunity to serve with humility and compassion, embodying the spirit of Christ in their actions and attitudes. We were so proud to see our students giving of themselves fully! They stepped out of personal comfort zones to engage with people, practice their Spanish, and even serve in the midst of rainy weather. On Friday afternoon our students hosted a Vacation Bible School at a low-income housing complex in Morristown. When they pulled into the run-down area, driving through huge potholes, they were greeted by 35 laughing children waiting for them in the field, already anticipating their program. The students made the Lord proud through their planning and selfless giving, making children smile, play and feel seen by our Lord. 

In our evening times of worship and Bible teaching, Headmaster Garner spoke on our theme, “Rek’nize” from Colossians 3:1-3, sharing how Jesus raises us up into a strong identity by identifying with him. In a world with so much confusion and insecurity about identity, Jesus invites us near, to learn about who we are from the One who made us. The prayers of the righteous are effective because at the end of only the second night, students were already giving testimonies of how the Lord was giving them sight for their future and what it all holds. The culmination of the trip was marked by moments of spiritual growth and reflection. Engaging in worship and fellowship with the local church community, students experienced a renewed sense of purpose and calling. They heard testimonies of personal transformation and reconciliation, which underscored the power of faith and community. It was inspiring to all who were present, to embrace their identities as children of God and agents of His grace and mercy in the world.

We concluded our Morristown mission trip by cooking and eating a wonderful breakfast alongside the La Iglesia church members. This was a sweet experience to witness as our students got immersed cross culturally both in language and fellowship. Students then were given time to journal and go on a prayer walk on the property before we had our final morning session. As the students returned from their walk, we began our testimonies from our time together, and more and more strongholds were breaking. God is truly helping these students move their sight from an earthly perspective to a heavenly one. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, and our students are able to see those in need, and are ready to answer the call within the spiritual giftings that God has given them. 

In retrospect, the mission trip to Morristown was more than just a week of service; it was a transformative time of spiritual growth. Through intentional acts of kindness and service, students discovered the true meaning of discipleship and the love of God. As they carry the lessons and memories of their trip forward, they are empowered to live out their faith boldly and compassionately, making a tangible difference in the world around them and embodying the spirit of love and service that defines the kingdom of God.

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Academic Achievements for Semester 1, 2023

This month, the Academy for GOD celebrated students with academic honors by awarding our Principal's Award from Principal Alex Castro and our Headmaster's Award from Headmaster Gregg Garner. Over 50 jr high and high students were acknowledged at the Academy for GOD.

It's time to celebrate the incredible academic achievements of our Junior High and High School students at the Academy for GOD for the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year! These students have demonstrated hard work and dedication in pursuit of academic excellence.

In Junior High, the following students achieved Academic Honors, which is awarded to students who earned all As and Bs during the Fall 2023 semester.

7th Grade

  • Yonah Arroyo

  • Olivia Brooks

  • Brenton Buck

  • Abram Davis

  • Solomon Horst

  • Charlee Kagay

  • Jude Montgomery

  • Phillip Motorny

  • Landon Perryman

  • Eve Willis

8th Grade

  • Caden Aaseby

  • Daniel Cameron

  • Ruby Edmondson

  • Eliana Galford

  • Noah Galford

  • Eden Loeffler

  • Ajay Maute

  • Nanozi Nyago

  • Hudsyn Roberts

Also, in Junior High, the following students achieved Academic High Honors, which is awarded to Jr. High students who earned all As during the Fall 2023 semester.

7th Grade

  • Judah Aaseby

  • Isaac Muñoz

  • Caleb Muñoz

  • Abela Roufs

8th Grade

  • Tobin Nadeau

  • Stephen Ownby

In high school, the Principal’s Award was given to the following students students who achieved a Fall 2023 High School GPA of 3.5-3.86.

9th Grade

  • Zuri Aaseby

  • Caleb Lasater

  • Joshua Lasater   

10th Grade 

  • Malachi Aaseby

11th Grade

  • Ethan Benoit

  • Blessing Davis

  • Tyler Worlow

12th Grade

  • Tasha Andrews

  • Kiah Roufs

Furthermore, the Headmaster’s Award is given to the following high school students who achieved a Fall 2023 High School GPA of 3.87-4.0.

9th Grade

  • Evie Arroyo

  • Adia Bargatze

  • Esperanza Davis

  • Owen Kagay

  • Amani Kurtz

  • Ethan Olson

  • Shae Ownby

  • Sailor Reichert

  • Sarieli Reyes Sauls

  • Jaelyn Roufs

  • Jonah Willis

10th Grade

  • Camden Cole

  • Sophia Galford

  • Luke Loeffler

  • Joselyn Muñoz

11th Grade

  • Ezrah Aaseby

  • Esther Bargatze

  • Mckenzie Castlen

  • Eved Roufs

12th Grade

  • Sawyer Cole

  • Jackson Kurtz

  • Luci Muñoz

  • Zeke Nadeau

  • Moriah Olson

Congratulations to all the students at the Academy for GOD for their outstanding accomplishments during the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year. Your hard work and dedication inspire us all!

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Globally Conscious Meal Times 

During lunch, our value of “global consciousness” is demonstrated by introducing students to culturally diverse meals. Learning to eat a meal from another culture can start at a very early age and will allow students to have a diverse pallet into adulthood. Including culturally diverse meals isn’t just about giving students options, it is rooted in teaching them about world outside of themselves. Students can truly learn to appreciate other ways of life by learning to eat foods that taste and smell different from what they may normally eat. 

At the Academy our mission is to holistically educate children, which occurs throughout their entire day whether in the classroom, at recess or at lunch. It is important to ensure that all aspects of a schools program reflect the mission and vision of the school. Part of the Academy’s Mission is to educate children to be “Globally Conscious.” 

Globally Conscious as defined by our Mission Statement: “highlights an awareness of culture, race, customs, language, and perspective. Students will know that they are a part of a diversely beautiful world designed by God, where perspective taking becomes an inherent mode of interaction.”

During lunch, this value is demonstrated by introducing students to culturally diverse meals. Learning to eat a meal from another culture can start at a very early age and will allow students to have a diverse pallet into adulthood. Including culturally diverse meals isn’t just about giving students options, it is rooted in teaching them about world outside of themselves. Students can truly learn to appreciate other ways of life by learning to eat foods that taste and smell different from what they may normally eat. 

Our students in particular are given the opportunity to travel to El Salvador on mission and even other culturally diverse populations in Tennessee. It is utmost importance that they learn to adapt to other cultures and appreciate foods that are prepared for them by other communities. 

Over the years we have implemented culturally diverse meals in a variety of ways. We introduced bone in chicken one year, which for many young students was new. Students learned that people around the world eat their meals regularly with meat still on the bone. Students one year had a special class featuring fruits around the world and had the chance to eat anything from Lychee to Papaya. On another occasion students had a class where they were learning about Japanese culture and we served a special meal of Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls). Other years we have introduced Thai Curry, along with Indian and Greek entrees. 

We hope that all of our students can learn this important value of global consciousness in our cafeteria and step into adulthood with an ability to appreciate people from other cultures.

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Hand to the Plow: Nurturing Spiritual Growth at the Junior High and High School Bible Retreat

Our annual bible retreat for jr high and high students left a profound impact on each of those who attended. Read why these retreats are a special time of learning and unity for our students outside of the classroom!

This year's Junior High and High School Bible Retreat, themed "Hand to the Plow," was a profound and transformative experience for students. Headmaster Garner, drawing from Luke 9:57-62, led the students in worship and study God's Word, followed by small group discussions and impactful activities with the other event facilitators and Academy staff.

The retreat kicked off with a unique team-building game orchestrated by Mr. Duffy, involving students floating on "magic carpets" in the gym. This engaging activity promoted teamwork and communication skills, setting the tone for the retreat's collaborative atmosphere.

The first session opened with a powerful message on decision-making in the context of one’s youth. Mr. Garner addressed the common misconception that older generations may not understand the struggles of young individuals. Drawing parallels from the disciples, likely teenagers themselves, he emphasized the need for guidance as they matured. The key takeaway: Jesus seeks disciples/students who can think critically.

A highlight of Friday was a panel discussion with seasoned educators tackling five spiritual hot topics submitted by the student council. Topics included the importance of hope amidst change, interacting with friends of different values, strengthening accountability in friend groups, pursuing the Lord in worship beyond feelings, and maintaining faith in an uncertain future. The Q and A session that followed allowed students to delve deeper into these topics, making it one of the most anticipated segments of the retreat.

Friday's sessions continued exploring our theme passage, emphasizing that following Jesus places individuals in vulnerable positions beyond cultural comforts. Mr. Garner highlighted the unconventional nature of this journey, stressing that it won't always align with practical reasoning. Following Christ, he explained, requires the development of critical thought and spiritual fitness for advancing the Kingdom of God.

Saturday morning brought a reflective activity where students penned letters to their parents, expressing their current season and aspirations for the future. Mr. Garner concluded the retreat by urging students to cultivate habits contributing to their spiritual development, emphasizing continuous learning from the Word of God and seeking guidance from knowledgeable mentors.

The retreat left a lasting impact on students, reinforcing the importance of critical thinking, spiritual fitness, and envisioning a future of service. These lessons are expected to resonate with them as they enter the next season of their lives, with a renewed perspective on their roles as students and disciples of His Word.

A special THANK YOU to all our Academy jr high and high teachers and staff members as well as parent chaperones and college mentors who helped facilitate this retreat for our students!

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Empowering Futures: Support Another Year of Student Scholarships

Our commitment to providing quality education through remote learning has opened doors for students around the world, fostering holistic development and creating positive, lasting impacts.


Pastora Zenaida Castellanos (front left) is our Education Proctor in Morristown, TN. This incredible woman of faith daily guides the students in their coursework. She approaches every situation with joy and determination; we are so thankful to have her on our team!

As we reflect on the success of last year's scholarship program, we are thrilled to announce the continuation of our mission to support the education of international students in Uganda and now, newly welcomed students from Morristown, TN. Our commitment to providing quality education through remote learning has opened doors for students around the world, fostering holistic development and creating positive, lasting impacts.

In the previous year, our scholarship program reached new heights, enabling us to support international students in Uganda, including our very first remote graduate! This achievement stands as a testament to the transformative power of education and the possibilities that arise when students are given the tools they need to succeed.

This year, we are excited to extend our program to students in Morristown, TN, through our remote learning initiative. Leveraging advanced technology, these students connect to real-time classes happening in Nashville, where they are guided by dedicated, Jesus-loving teachers who are committed to their holistic development.

A Holistic Approach to Education

These three 10th graders attend class together. Uganda is 9 hours ahead of Nashville, so students are ‘in class’ from about 5pm to midnight. We record all classes so that students can access content if they cannot attend in real time.

Our remote learning program offers a unique alternative to traditional classrooms, providing a shield against overcrowding, outdated curriculum and negative influences. Through an interactive and relevant learning model, students not only engage with their coursework but also develop a strong foundation for personal and spiritual growth.

To ensure the success of our students, we have implemented in-person educational proctors who act as mentors, guiding them through their coursework and keeping a watchful eye on their spiritual and social well-being. This personalized approach to education fosters an environment where students can thrive academically and personally.

A Personal Perspective

As the Vice President of this program, I have the privilege of interacting daily with our remote learners. I get to daily witness their excitement about learning,  and observe their gratitude manifested through hard work. Facilitating this education is a privilege; these student’s lives are being forever changed. They are facing the world with a critical mind, and hearts full of faith and confidence in the role God is shaping them to play. They know their individual gifts and they are eager to put those to good use in bringing change to the world around them. I truly cannot say enough about the quality of our students, which is enhanced yearly by their education in God’s word. 

"How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver." 

- Proverbs 16:16

Join Us in Making a Difference

Our Exemplar of the Quarter program acknowledges outstanding Remote Learners. They are celebrated for qualities such as good grades, enthusiastic participation in class, and communicating well with teachers.

We invite you to join us in supporting another year of scholarships for students around the world! By contributing to this cause, you become a vital part of shaping healthy, thriving young individuals who love the Lord and are enthusiastic about bringing positive change to the world. 

Donate to our scholarship fund and be a catalyst for change in the lives of students around the world. Your support will help create a brighter future filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. Together, let's empower these young minds and make education a transformative force in their lives.

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